Currently Unavailable Artist: Funeral for a Friend
Genre: Rock
Release Date: 03/15/2011
Label: Good Fight
Recording: Studio
Format: CD
Artist Releases
10:45 Amsterdam Conversations / Rookie (7")
Funeral for a FriendConduit (CD)
Funeral for a FriendWelcome Home Armageddon (CD)
Funeral for a FriendYour History Is Mine: 2002 - 2009 (CD)
Funeral for a Friend - Memory & Humanity (CD)
Funeral for a FriendMemory & Humanity (CD)
Funeral for a FriendTales Don't Tell Themselves (CD)
Funeral for a FriendHours (CD)
Funeral for a Friend - Oblivion: Reunion Pt. 2 / Crash & Burn (7")
Funeral for a FriendTales Don't Tell Themselves (CD)
Funeral for a FriendHours (CD)
Funeral for a FriendCasually Dressed & Deep In Con (CD)
Funeral for a Friend - View More
Label Releases
With This Thread I Hold On (CD)
ChokeholdGlow (LP)
Old WoundsGlow (CD)
Old Wounds2042 (CD)
Racetraitor - Until The Ink Runs Out (LP)
Eighteen VisionsHell Is Here Now (CD)
HomewreckerDecimation Treaty (CD)
Extinction A.D.Shift (LP)
Axis - Shift (CD)
AxisDead Planet (CD)
Hollow EarthCast The First Stone (CD)
Ion Dissonance - View More
Welcome Home Armageddon (CD)
Funeral for a Friend
