Currently Unavailable Artist: Sarah Davachi
Genre: Experimental
Release Date: 04/25/2014
Label: Important Records
Catalog Number: SAUNA017CS
Recording: Studio
Format: Cassette
Artist Releases
Cantus, Descant (CD)
Sarah DavachiCantus, Descant (LP)
Sarah DavachiPale Bloom (LP)
Sarah DavachiPale Bloom (CD)
Sarah Davachi - Intemporel (LP)
Sarah DavachiGave In Rest (LP)
Sarah DavachiGave In Rest (CD)
Sarah DavachiLet Night Come On Bells End The Day (CD)
Sarah Davachi - All My Circles Run (LP)
Sarah DavachiAll My Circles Run (CD)
Sarah DavachiBarons Court (LP)
Sarah DavachiAugust Harp (Cassette)
Sarah Davachi - View More
Label Releases
Mara [Picture Disc] (LP)
Maja S.K. RatkjeVibe (LP)
Extended OrganSounding / Way (LP)
Pauline Oliveros - Tara's Room (LP)
Pauline OliverosPhonurgia Metallis (CD)
Jacob KirkegaardHallelujah Mystic Garden Part Two (LP)
Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso UFOLucier: Orpheus Variations (CD)
Alvin Lucier - Home Age 2 (CD)
ElehReverberations 1 (LP)
Pauline OliverosMusic For Cello (CD)
Phill NiblockImmediate Horizon (LP)
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